Rahm Roast 3PK
Product details
$0.07 per gram
Rahm Roast presents a revolutionary and refreshing coffee bean. A specialty coffee with a cup score of 91 and considered a single-origin coffee, this coffee is truly special. We focus on using high quality beans sourced from a region in Guatemala, known for fair trade and organic bean production. The beans are then cleaned and roasted with an exclusive detoxifying solution designed by Dr. Rahm. The solution is currently a patent-pending technique that provides multiple advantageous properties to the end product.
Most plant-based foods have been contaminated with toxins, mold, and fungus that are hazardous to our health. This problem is known to heavily impact coffee beans produced. By using the solution created by Dr. Rahm, Rahm Roast reduces contamination thus creating a “clean slate” for your beans.
The flavor and aroma profile is exclusive to Rahm Roast due to this cleaning process. With a low acidity base in the brew, the flavors of the bean flourish. Customers are left with a beautifully balanced drink, with hints of chocolate, almonds, and caramel. Our cleaning and roasting process transforms ordinary beans into extraordinary ones.
Altitude: 1,700 masl
Varieties: Arabica
Species: 100% Guatemalan
Process: Washing
Origin: Guatemala huehue
Region: Huehuetenango
Roast: Medium
Brightness: Balanced
Body: Medium and Balance
Flavor: Dark chocolate, earthy, almond and caramel