Pure Clean Pets

Product details

Pure Clean Pets is a supplement that will safely and effectively remove environmental toxins and heavy metals from your pets. Pure Clean Pets is derived from Clean Slate, using formula changes to make the product more bio-available for animals.

Pure Clean Pets formula utilizes concentrated minerals, Vitamin C as ascorbic acid, and a proprietary blend of orthosilicic acid to safely remove environmental toxins and heavy metals from your pets.

Formulation uses a proprietary patented process


  • Add 10 drops to food twice a day for large animals. 
  • Add 5 drops to food twice a day for small animals.
  • Start with 3-4 drops twice daily for large pets and build up to 10 drops twice a day. 
  • Start with 1-2 drops twice daily for small pets and build up to 5 drops twice a day.
  • **Make sure pet is adequately hydrated. 

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